
The university of Naples Federico II has launched the 2017 - Study in Naples call. Study in Naples will provide scholarships to foreign graduate students to enroll at International MSc programs at Federico II. The scholarship is 5,529.96 € for two semesters. A total of twenty-five (25) scholarships will be granted. Applications must be sent by e-mail to admissions@unina.it  and the deadline is June 7th,  2017. The call is at http://www.coinor.unina.it/upload_file/Bando%20Study%20in%20Naples_Borse_INCOMING%202017.pdf
University of Naples Federico II offers 141 courses in 13 teaching areas (Agriculture, Architecture, Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnological Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Sociology, Humanities). So, it offers courses in every existing academic discipline, which lead to 155 graduate level degrees. Research facilities provide support for all these courses. Students have the chance both to pursue intellectual development and to acquire professional skills.